Who Can File an AFFF Lawsuit?

National AFFF foam attorneys provide information on who qualifies to file an AFFF lawsuit for cancer

Who Can File an AFFF Lawsuit

Servicemembers and firefighters who used AFFF fire fighting foam over the last five decades have been exposed to carcinogenic chemicals known as PFAS. These chemicals were part of the unique formula that made a fire fighting foam that was effective at putting out fuel fires from aircraft. However, soon after this technology was invented, 3M and Naval scientists warned of the dangers for human health. In the decades since, numerous scientific studies and international health organizations have cautioned against human PFAS exposure. Today, the formula for AFFF fire fighting foam has been altered but decades worth of servicemembers and firefighters still harbor these dangerous chemicals in their bodies. Also known as "forever chemicals", PFAS in AFFF foam build up in the body over time and create an elevating risk for many types of cancer.

If you developed kidney, prostate, testicular, bladder, thyroid or liver cancer, lymphoma or leukaemia after exposure to AFFF foam, you may be entitled to compensation as part of a PFAS settlement.

Persons who have been diagnosed with cancer following exposure to AFFF firefighting foam are seeking clarification of the qualifications required to participate in an AFFF lawsuit. Our law firm offers no-obligation, confidential consultations to anyone who feels they may have a claim at no cost whatsoever.

Below you will find a list of the basic qualifications for joining an AFFF lawsuit in this section. In general, these are factors that are considered in each AFFF lawsuit claim.

For persons and family members of persons who meet these qualifications, it is likely you will be eligible to file an AFFF lawsuit for cancer. You should consider filing a claim both for yourself and your family, and for the greater good. AFFF lawyers believe individuals who have developed AFFF cancer may be eligible for significant compensation for the medical expenses, pain, suffering, and losses associated with this harmful product. You were exposed to PFAS in firefighting foam with no prior warning of the risks, and at no fault of your own. What is more, filing an AFFF lawsuit will enable you to call for accountability for the manufacturers of AFFF foam, who continued to make and sell their product while fully aware of its risks. Navy scientists cautioned of the risk of AFFF foam in the 1970s yet these products were manufactured for decades longer.

Attorneys offering free, no obligation AFFF lawsuit case review are available to speak with you and your family about your circumstances. To learn more about filing a lawsuit, please fill out the simple form on this page.

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